Wednesday 20 April 2016

Leo Burnett Worldwide acquired a majority stake in Sri Lanka-based Solutions Group

Publicis Groupe company Leo Burnett Worldwide has acquired a majority stake in Sri Lanka-based communications company Solutions Group for an undisclosed sum. Accordingly, Leo Burnett Sri Lanka and Arc Worldwide Sri Lanka will now be fully integrated into Publicis Communications, one of Publicis Groupe’s four solutions hubs regrouping all creative communications activities. “Given the tremendous growth and creative opportunities in Sri Lanka, I am thrilled to see Leo Burnett join forces with the talent and possibility that resides within the Solutions Group,” said Leo Burnett Worldwide CEO Rich Stoddart. As part of this acquisition, Solutions Group also acquired 100% ownership of First Media Solutions, which represented Starcom Worldwide in Sri Lanka and was the first international independent media brand to enter Sri Lanka. Consequently, First Media will now be fully integrated into the Publicis Groupe. “We are thrilled to strengthen our partnership and to continue our efforts to build Leo Burnett’s position as a leading creative force in the country. I am confident that all the stakeholders will benefit greatly from the access to our global footprint,” said Leo Burnett Sri Lanka MD Ranil de Silva.

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